„Ekodoma” Ltd. organizes competition for small and medium enterprises – on energy saving03.02.2015
Seminar on lighting solutions and innovations for house insulation22.01.2015
Workshop on Ventilation solutions in refurbishment of multiresidential buildings19.12.2014
On 16th December 2014 - Seminar on Ventilation Solutions at Multiresidential Buildings01.12.2014
On the 6th November, 2014 will be organized workshop on qualitative refurbishment of residential buildings03.11.2014
Workshop on insurance in building on 23rd October 201421.10.2014
On the 1st October will be held workshop on heat insulation requirements for Windows and doors30.09.2014
ZREA has started to implement Project „Beyond Energy Action strategies” (BEAST) financed by the EC program “Intelligent Energy for Europe”10.09.2014
Low consumption reconstruction and construction of buildings is economically viable10.09.2014
Financial support for implementation of energy efficiency measures is available for entrepreneurs, educative and medical institutions, as well cultural institutions04.07.2014