The second vebinar on 10/06/2020 at 10:00-11:30 AM EEST "On national policy and legislation, availability of EU funds, possibiliyies for invetment attraction"05.06.2020
Presentations are available from the first Keepwarm webinar in Latvia on Five district heating systems` modernization examples03.06.2020
Inspire Events (webinars) of KeepWarm project28.05.2020
Jelgava SEAP Monitoring Report23.04.2020
ZREA works remotely17.03.2020
KeepWarm Leraning centre launched26.02.2020
District heating companies` exchange of experience trip to Austria30.01.2020
Strategy of Latvia for reaching climate neutrality until 205029.01.2020
Funds for retrofitting multi-residential buildings will soon be exhausted03.01.2020
Practical workshop on THERMOS tool14.11.2019