Renewable Energy in Latvia15.05.2023
Support programme for use of RES in households11.04.2023
Solar photovoltaic panels for apartment owners08.02.2023
The new ministry of Climate and Energy starts work02.02.2023
ZREA starts implementation of a new INTERREG BSR project BREC07.12.2022
Interest in installing solar panels is still high, discussion on feasibility02.12.2022Piedāvajam paklausīties diskusiju par saules paneļu izdevīgumu Latvijas radio 1
Webinars for entrepreneurs on EE and RES24.10.2022
New programme for multiresidential buildings04.10.2022
From March 2023 it will be Possible to Establish Energy Communities23.08.2022
Become an energy supporter/mentor at Zemgale Regional Energy Agency19.07.2022