One more multi residential building has been renovated in Jekabpils city09.09.2013
ZREA starts to implement Project financed by European Social fund02.09.2013
Project applications` reception under ERDF activity „Energy efficiency improvement measures in multi residential buildings” is closed02.08.2013
Soon will be closed acceptance of project proposals within ERAF activity „Energy efficiency improvement measures for multiresidential buildings”29.07.2013
Team from Latvia gets the second honorable place in the international energy saving competition08.07.2013
ZREA presented its work to EU Energy agencies` directors within EU Sustainable Energy week 2013 in Brussels03.07.2013
There will be informative seminar on open call of proposals „Complex solutions for reduction of greenhouse effect gas emissions” under Climate change finance instrument program03.07.2013
An informative campaign „Live warmer” has been received the highest evaluation in competition of the European Commission „Sustainable energy for Europe”02.07.2013
Winners of competition „The most energy effective building in Latvia 2013”02.07.2013
Call of national program „Climate change finance instrument” for proposals` submission until 03.07.2013. for co-financing of improvement of energy efficiency of lighting in public territories04.06.2013