About European Commission new Directive Project of June 22, 2011 on Energy efficiency and Energy saving29.02.2012
Renovated multiresidential building in Ozolnieki Rigas street 1916.02.2012
About available EU support for implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources projects15.02.2012
There will be available more financial resources for buildings` renovations14.02.2012
Workshop on 15.02.2012. on qualitative implementation of building renovation projects and purchase procedure realization14.02.2012
„Technologies of production and use of innovative energy resources and low carbonic emission provision with renewable energy resources, Support measures for restriction of environment and climate degradation „LATENERGI”02.02.2012
There cannot be elaborated common methodology of calculation of usage of thermal energy for a Country, because situation may differ essentially in each separate building, explained in Ministry of Economics02.02.2012
Ministry of environment protection and regional development and Environment investment fund have signed first agreements with Municipalities, who will receive financing of Climate change finance instrument on improvement of lighting infrastructure02.02.2012
Seminar on „The use of biomass resources in production of energy” in Jelgava17.01.2012
Possibility to discuss about Strategy of Energy 2030 in innovative way online on web page of Ministry of Economics13.01.2012