Nodibināta Vidzemes reģionālā enerģētikas aģentūra21.12.20092009.gada novembrī nodibināta biedrība Vidzemes reģionālā enerģētikas aģentūra (VREA), informē aģentūras valdes priekšsēdētājs Andis Krauklis.
EP urges climate change break through in Copenhagen07.12.2009From December 7 all eyes will be on Copenhagen as the world's leaders try to come up with a post-2012 deal to mitigate climate change.
In total 110 project proposals received for heat insulation of multiresidential buildings04.12.2009
Calculator of Buildings' Energy Efficiency02.12.2009
Electric Automobiles in Riga Motormuseum10.11.2009
A multiresidential building in Ventspils is the first in Latvia renovated with ERDFsupport26.10.2009
Tender results of energy saving projects of public buildings organised by Environmment Ministry26.10.2009
BEMVA press release19.10.2009
ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY 200915.10.2009
Solar panel production worldwide almost doubled in 200805.10.2009The JRC's Institute for Energy (IE) today publishes its eighth Annual Photovoltaics Status Report.