There will be Informative workshop on 09.04.2013. about open Project tender on „Integrated solutions for reductions of greenhouse effect gas” 3rd call under programme „Climate change financial instrument”05.04.2013
Additional Support from EU funds is approved for reconstruction of district heating systems01.03.2013
On the way to lower costs for energy28.02.2013
1st March 2013 – Conference on the New Energy Efficiency Directive13.02.2013
Open day of refurbished multi residential buildings in Auce, 12.02.2013.05.02.2013
Soon for merchants, educational establishments and its founders registered in Latvia, will be available reiterative financial Support for implementation of energy efficiency measures in buildings.21.01.2013
Refurbishment of multiresidential building in Darza street 13A in Bauska soon will be finished15.01.2013
Open day of renovated multi residential buildings in Bauska on 18 December 2012 are concluded18.12.2012
Open day of renovated multiresidental buildings in Bauska on 8th December, 201213.12.2012
Households in Latvia are ready to change their energy consumption habits10.12.2012