THERMOS - seminar on innovative tool for modelling heat supply networks11.11.2019
National energy and climate plan of Latvia is close to its finalization14.10.2019
Criteria for “energy poverty” will be set up within Horizon2020 programs project “STEP”13.08.2019
Elaboration of Sustainable energy and climate action plan for Jelgava city for 2020-2030, involving different interested stakeholders and decision makers13.06.2019
KeepWarm project training has been concluded with the last topic on business plan elaboration and technical feasibility study elaboration28.05.2019
The fifth training block of KeepWarm project on Capacity development on financial concerns (part one) in district heating systems has been concluded30.04.2019
After Easter there will be the fifth training block of KeepWarm project on financial concerns in district heating systems17.04.2019
The fourth training block of KeepWarm project on Capacity development on managerial concerns in district heating systems has been concluded02.04.2019
Soon there will be the fourth training block of KeepWarm project on managerial concerns in district heating systems18.03.2019
On 27th February, 2019 there will be in Jelgava workshops on support for retrofitting of multiresidential buildings and on quality of construction19.02.2019