Informed about climate change financial instrument support options23.05.2011
In April the start of a new cycle of seminars on housing renovation30.03.2011Aprīlī sāksies jaunais semināru cikls par mājokļu renovāciju 2011.
Tenders are "Energy-efficient building Latvian 201022.03.2011
On 26th March 20:30 Earth Hour18.03.2011
On 24th March Seminar " Building Energy Efficiency and Energy Consumption"17.03.2011
People in Jekabpils are interested in EE renovation of the houses24.02.2011
Materials of 18th February seminar21.02.2011
Seminar for Construction Engineers on 24th February21.02.2011
Seminar on 22nd February on Energy Efficient Refurbishment of Multiresidential Houses21.02.2011
Activity Signifficanlty Increased in energy efficient refurbishment of multi residential houses03.02.2011